Young People Social Death Archive 年轻人社死档案室
(Full Production)
2024/02/15-17, Theatre off Jackson, Seattle, US
Directed by Christie Zhao, Team Yun Theatre
More Info

Seattle Times, “Seattle’s Yun Theatre takes on intersection of Chinese and American stories”
(Staged Reading)
2023/11/04, Sea World Culture Arts Center, Shekou Theatre Festival, Shenzhen, China
Directed by Near Feng, Team Hongkong Academy of Performing Arts

Student Social Death Archive 学生社死档案室
2022, 4/18-19, New Works Lab, Ohio State University, USThe complaints about college life and the misconceptions about adulting. The term "Social Death/社死 (shè sǐ)" is often used on Chinese social media to describe the extreme awkwardness when someone behaves in an embarrassing manner. "SSDA" is a one-act comedy that explores those awkward moments in college life and the transition to adulthood. It includes things you did wrong during college: the first coffee chat with alumni, attending language classes without preparation, loudly cheering for a sports team until realizing you got the school wrong, struggling to manage your facial expression upon getting know someone else's GPA, and leaving college unprepared.
关于大学生活的吐槽和成人生活的迷思。“社死” 经常被用在中国社交媒体上来描述出丑时的极度尴尬。SSDA是一个单幕喜剧,探讨了大学生活里的那些尴尬瞬间和成年过渡期。它包括了那些你在大学期间没做对的事情:第一个和校友的coffee chat,没有预习就去上的语言课,看球赛时大声欢呼直到发现认错自己学校的球队,得知别人的GPA后没有做好表情管理,没有准备好就要离开大学。